The Abyss represent pure annihilation. They possess unmatched power and follow their nature to consume all living things. Yet, one day, a traitor emerged. A clueless young girl, Hildegard, awoke on the battlefield and realized she’s the abominable “White Night” Abyss. After breaking through countless pursuits, she was adopted and reformed by Arya’s family. She gradually strengthens her own belief and uses the body of the Abyss to save humanity. To protect the goodness and warmth in her heart. But the chaotic Abyss won’t bend to her will…Original Webcomic:
Status Ongoing
Type Manhua
Released 2022
Author SF轻小说
Artist SF轻小说
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Despite Coming From the Abyss, I Will Save Humanity
Despite Coming From the Abyss, I Will Save Humanity, I, the Abyssal, Have Decided to Save Humanity Again Today, Láizì Shēnyuān De Wǒ Jīntiān Yěyào Zhěngjiù Rénlèi, アビスから来た私は今日も人類の救世主, 来自深渊的我今天也要拯救人类Synopsis Despite Coming From the Abyss, I Will Save Humanity
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