This is a story of the “future me” being reborn into someone else and meeting the “past me.” Qin Yuefang reborn after the car accident, but reborn to the body called Fang Yeyin. Unexpectedly, he met the young self and was bound by Qin Yuefang that became his property… Fang Yeyin wants to find the truth of his rebirth, but also wants to escape this pervert himself! But will things go well…?

Followed by 1 people
Status Ongoing
Type Manhua
Released 2020
Author Wenren Niao Shi Duo
Artist Wuxian Zuoye
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I Tied Myself Up
Bei Ziji Shufu de Jinsique, Chim hoàng yến bị ràng buộc bởi chính mình, 籠の中のカナリヤ〜過去の自分に束縛されて〜, 被自己束缚的金丝雀Synopsis I Tied Myself Up
ถ้ามีโฆษณาตอนคลิ๊กครั้งแรกรบกวนปิดแล้วกดอีกรอบนะครับ เพื่อความอยู่รอดของเว็บ 🥹