Saying bye-bye to Earth and blasting off to school in space was a dream come true for Nux. But no one told him how mediocre he would seem stacked up against the brightest minds in the universe. With lackluster grades that could never afford him a scholarship, he’s forced into illegal part-time work just to pay the bills. But when a handsome alien propositions him with an offer to make his money problems disappear, he realizes it comes at an astronomical price.Original NovelOriginal WebtoonOfficial English

Followed by 302 people
Status Ongoing
Type Manhwa
Released 2023
Author Tropicalarmpit, Ttwittwi Ppangppang
Artist Limunchi
Serialization Ridibooks (Ridibooks)
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Salty Lust
Dục Vọng Mãnh Liệt, 솔티 러스트, 솔티 러스트 (Salty Lust)Synopsis Salty Lust
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